lördag 11 april 2009

4.5h Easter walk around Lake Bergunda.

Easter has brought with it some beautiful weather. Margareta and I decided to try the walk around Lake Bergunda South. It is a really nice walk although you have to walk on roads on parts of it. I could definitely consider doing it again - especially as the track is only a 5minute walk from where I live, soooo love my new location.

We brought lunch with us and made a few stops to enjoy the sun and scenery, take some photos and let Folke swim.

Both Pintje and Folke draw people´s attention - which is fun. Where ever you take Folke for a walk where there is people around you always hear people making the sounds of sheep or calling him a labradoodle - nowadays most of it gets caught in my spamfilter....but at least one or two stops me to admire him and several people make comments on what ha beautiful dog he is and he is the most gentle boy when people wants to pat him.


Folke and I have done some practising preparing for the freestyle competition in a few months. He now knows how to circle around himself, walk across my legs and roll around, a few tricks are under their way but not quite there yet. I've had some difficulties picking a song but it will most likely be "Destiny calling" http://www.youtube.com./watch?v=GOjoNmYj1qQ (not the official video though). It is tricky to pick a song that has to be no shorter than 1 minute and not longer than 3 minutes for beginners class, ok I could opt for any song and have them shut it off but at the moment an entire song just seems better. Might change my mind when I start rehersing to the music and find out how long three minutes can be....
After reading the rules and regulations I now - finally - understand why all these people competing in freestyle insist on having such tacky outfits and putting matching ones on their dogs, it's a part of the competition and you are given points on how well the outfits matches and also how well they match to the music. Shit! I have decided to add some detail or other - like a read collar on Folke and something red on me just to see how many points are taken off....if any are taken off I guess I will have to face humiliation and pick theme songs and start dressing according to it....Aladin?? - naaah Folke would hate the turban...hm .. I'VE FOUND IT!!!! And it is less than 3 minutes... Picture this: Folke and I both dressed in white and blue (I look really nice in blue), I'm sure Margaretha would help me sow a vest for Folke with the Finnish flag... theme? "Back to the roots - meeting Folke´s heritage" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4om1rQKPijI&feature=related .
Some photos from yesterday´s walk!

Pintje - Margareta´s Schapendoes bitch

Folke entertaining the crowd jumping off the bridge, why walk into the water when you can jump.


Folke handing over his dummy.

Margareta and Folke in action.

Buddies - the daredevil and the little chicken.

1 kommentar:

Lena, Selma & Inez sa...

Vilka härliga bilder från er soliga promenad! Inez hälsar att hon gärna tar en simtur och lekstund med Folke snart :)